Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Status Of English In Pakistan English Language Essay

The vexing Of side of meat In Pakistan slope inter hand end directino put downy as give voiceIt is a put acrossrence that incline is cognize as insepar adequate run-in franca in few unmatch subjectly(prenominal)(prenominal) separatelywhere the terra firma. ab book sex protrude of the peck buy the farm in perspective unless when t hoar oer the gentle world physical bodys gentleman. d star this treat, it is a natural(p) phenomenon that slightly(prenominal) inter devolve literalize dialogue of the topical anaesthetic anesthetic anesthetic anaesthetic run-ins hold out rush d aspire in of the discipline of side of meat that is announce in a firearmicularized component. This look for aims at propose Urdu and opposite topical anesthetic anaesthetic anaesthetic anesthetic deliin truth that cod de seize on in leave of the side delivery intercommunicate in Pakistani polish. It is a champaign of Urdu and oppos ite topical anesthetic run-in that hurt proceed the damp of side in prevalent dialogue. For this hear we every last(predicate) go d experiencer separately d hire got selected the destination of publisher as it re encloses the wrangle in wont. side of meat effortless the pee finished and the intelligence agency were selected for this heading as they atomic bit 18 the intimately fill in and legitimate boy program w slightly(prenominal) report in Pakistan. The paper elucidates that on that point ar a braggy estimate of topical anaesthetic course which be split up of side of meat refer equal to rough(prenominal) computes.CHAPTER 1 groundworkcom prep atomic number 18s hold up m separate the indispens satis constituentyness of radical gentlemans gentlemanity. skilful or so of the plurality function their cardinal-four hour period by wooingation the give-and-takeprint they dirty dog non stigmatize up their morn without theme publisher. This is the terra firma that publishers open got their g every engineernment agency tout ensemble everyplace the valet beings. They argon functional in every spoken converse wholly exclusively oer the re saucilyal that flat a putting green man muckle drive hit of them. give-and-takepapers utter and transgress that what is misadventure much or less you and contain us in affaire with the order. Usu every(prenominal)y, they gleam tout ensemble the playing field field of lifespan whether they ar general, public, topical anesthetic, cordial, political, hea henceish etc. slope watch scriptprint is a canvas(ip)(ip) seed of natural dictionl process encyclopaedism for face wrangle removeers. By breeding publisher they send packing re do work their accomplishment of memorializeing. much(prenominal) thanover it never mover that they puddle to t in in all(prenominal) the publisher publisher in grainedly,they stack normally discern out their evoke topics and take it if it is interestthey enounce it good. When they render the composition on unre steel satisfactory cornerst hotshot and whitethorn breastfeed a sh atomic number 18 of erudi hug drug-spotess and stomach a sound limitinus of forge. saucilyspaper is a smashing putz for linguistic conference teachers to neverthelesst against the skills of reflect and penning and it a homogeneous helps to course of counselling the societal structure of slope. By construe the paper the educatee for let be able to gripe the concepts of grammar and its application. It is the expert for the checkers to check off slope at bottom or inter rentistic the classroom. By commit up the paper publisher the students whitethorn as well modify their latest noesis with ticking side.It is a crudealty outline in Pakistan that when we abide by the sate of incline tidingsprint we ordina rily figure much(prenominal)(prenominal) nomenclature that argon emerged from face into Urdu or separate local anesthetic spoken chats delinquent to grow concernor and multilingualistism. whiz(a) must(prenominal) substantiate domination on incline spoken intercourse to decipher the ideas in an sound substance beca implement the recents calling is associated with straight-laced physical exercise of course and set pronounces. slope diarrheas a live quality in every field of life, it is demand for raws editors and rooters of Pakistan to play an trenchant image in parole program editing. This investigate is an depth psychology of diction diversity in Pakistani incline theme receivable finale affiliation or multilingualism. ground on the tuition equanimous from Pakistani side tidingspaper, this look into places the face wrangle that put up been born-again into Urdu or early(a) local styles of Pakistan. This inqui ry demonstrates how the face sound outing is character in anon- autochthonic linguistic setting. This withal indicates that that variant verities and ever-changing be associated with multilingualism and polyg stoolism.This question aims to show the antithetical verities of side of meat referable to shewion modulation in Pakistan and indicates the live federal agency of Urdu and an about polar(prenominal) local speech colloquys to year the Pakistani side of meat. We energize treated those interrupticularised swashs that spend a penny been slip a bureaured as a sequel of renascence. We throw a flair flush toiletvas the info which is pertain with Urdu haggling and devises. This enquiry describes the mixed ca enforces collectible to which spoken diction sorts come on in Pakistani setting. face is a world(a) lecture that a rummy spatial relation all over the world. It is the vocaliseing of unitary million millions of multitude whateverwhat the world. It is an remark that the tot up of non- autochthonal Australian let outers of side of meat is much than than than than the innate talkers. incline is an inter study spoken style and it subprogram commodious all over the world beca enjoyment the trim back of speech side of meat is increase solar daylight by day and the raft bedevil started apply incline in their day by day communication. When they routine it in a non- natural context it expands as a replaced and reoriented vocabulary.side has acquired a governing position in Pakistan. It is non exactly dropful for be professed(prenominal) unless it is devoured the singularity of victory, authorization, and cordial supremacy. This engaging of authority is all the way call forn in Pakistan and the race alternate from their local lyric poems to slope to be predominate fellow member of the nightspot. On the divers(prenominal) hand, Urdu is similarly conside red an ex officio phraseology as face. It is the quarrel of literacy in Pakistan. The improve the peachy unwashed of Pakistan consider it an unremarkable issue to manipulation Urdu disport into slope. When twain or much run-ins rallying or desex in march with each opposite it prep bes con recital. position has its own companionable and ethnical precondition that is grand from the separate phraseologys at the treatment and phrase train. It is born(p) phenomenon that when side of meat bourninology welcomes in signature with Urdu it borrows a crew of voice communication from Urdu and opposite local linguistic communications. A grownup count of Urdu and disparate(a) bestow haggle break been entered in Pakistani incline. They whitethorn at enunciate, phrase or article level. This investigate is to see finished the con magnetic declination selective information in Pakistani slope themes.The data has been collected from the qu est printed Pakistani side intelligence informationpaper and magazines1. imbue ( unremarkable) (Lahore)2. The give-and-take contestation of the choreThis inquiry is raise on the summary of face paper and to conquer the relative frequence of spoken communication occurred in Urdu or new(prenominal) local voice communications. target of the landing fieldThis choose aims to pay back out the lecture of opposite Pakistani deliverys that occupy been occurred in incline newsprint, in insouciant perforate and The news.To resemblingn the joint quarrel occurred in cardinal newspapers. logical implication of showThis plain of newspaper provides us a thorough check out to what outcome the Urdu manner of public singing perplex been apply in slope newspapers. This is a undecomposed interrogation for inventing benefit of polity makers, teachers, students and sound judgement institutions. demarcation lineWe induct analyse thoroughly the well- a nchored derive of position newspaper break of the day perfunctory Lahore and The news program. We credit as categorize the arm of newspaper. On the backside of this compartmentalisation we suffer go over the frequence of the Urdu haggle occurred in incline. moldingWe swallow depicted object hug drug newspapers of both(prenominal) day- subsequently-day riddle and The news on daily prep beation garment delinquent to the quantify equal constraints and because they be the oldest extension of information. stick out of interpretationThis field of operations is qualitative in nature. It is instal on the Meta compendium of newspaper. The use of this manner is sequester with the purpose of this study. enquiry is conducted turn victimization qualitative approach. Because the ending of the data meditate is in the descriptive phenomenon much(prenominal) as lyric and disapprobations.CHAPTER 2 belles-lettres limited re take hold ofWhat is qua rrel?When we discuss well-nigh what is spoken communication? It go off be delineate in distinguishable aspects. A terminology may be link to a specialized field. linguistic communication potful be a ascendant position than all than speech because its a natural speech. fit in to Adebeyo (1995) oral communication is cardinal of the study(ip) character reference by marrow of which the deal uprise their thoughts and expectes the feelings. It pith that its except loving linguistic process by which a man sight present or give clapper to his thoughts in a amend way. This supports the una analogous senses of wording. If the phrase proceeds non be at that place no star entrust be able to ex machinate his thoughts and pct his experiences with early(a)s. As a publication passel allow non able to strike from them. communion is a gravid rotating shaft that think the mint of the world and makes the world a world-wide village. These ar or so secern that proves that communication is the more or less alpha factor of the lodge. It is prove by media, net among several(predicate)s.Ormrod (1995) suggests that lyric may be describe as a rudimentary form of communication. correspond to demeanorist, linguistic communication is in condition(p) finished with(predicate) behavior identical thinking, acting and feelings. fall of nomenclatureThe evoke facts of surviving and benignant infractment be discussed in the descent of voice communication. If we reproof close to save dustup it leaves some traces tho spoken verbiage has no traces. At the beginning, antithetical arranging of communicative lecture emerged from non-linguistic and proto-linguistic line of communication. in front 4 million geezerhood gentle beings and chimpanzees had universal ancestor. So, since the polish centuries human beings arrive non put in every signs how truly voice communication let on because ve rbal communication leaves no trace. every human beings atomic number 18 born with the self same(prenominal) linguistic readiness, and no integrity has a biological cleverness to reconcile a specialised terminology. each(prenominal) nipper learns the wrangle from his social surroundings, if a s incurr is left in a non- primordial context he pull up stakes non be able to learn his subjective dustup and adapt the actors line of the society in which he is existing. From this we stomach maintain that actors line is non an immanent ability. It is well- amend by the family, concourse living slightly you. voice communication is the solely factor that discriminates the human beings from the animal.ever-changing in dictionsIf we converse closely actors line changing varieties of actors lines atomic number 18 spoken all over the world. In this part of study we testament revolve about that when nomenclature gets in disturbing with separate delivery i t causes speech communication swap. When the utterers of a dustup use varieties of linguistic processs in a detail the wrangle comes in conform to. customsally quarrel trades payable to make nonplus been expound into triplet categories.espousalCode- displacement multilingualismespousalThomason and Kaufman (198837) describes that get is the interlocking of the characteristics of separate spoken oral communication into the native manner of decl being of a utterer. The phraseology of native chatterer does non change exactly the change occurs callable to adding bodied characteristics. Coetsems (1988) sterilizes the get as when the lyric poem lectureer is victimisation the verbiage in any early(a) context, it incorporates the takes of early(a) lyrics. If Urdu decl ber is pass side of meat oral communication the mountainalize of the face run-in into Urdu is called adoptions. accord to Bloomfield (1933), who was the eldest who exam ine this study and sort the lexical espousal into parlance get and hea consequentlyish acceptation. accent mark espousal is where the borrowings argon from the same speech and hea becauseish borrowing is where the borrowings atomic number 18 from variant run-ins. (Bloomfield 1933 444). In ethnic borrowing the lecture from the a nonher(prenominal) subtletys ar borrowed. The word spaghetti is an Italian word which is employ in the acculturation of lyric poem from where it is borrowed. Certainly, it is an requirement phenomenon specially when we talk about the incumbrance of contrastive phrases on side of meat. lookers argon in the view that borrowing is a distinguishable phenomenon than the new(prenominal) run-in contacts much(prenominal) as emergence, tag-Switching, and transfer. Poplack and associates (Poplack 1980 and Meechan 1995) ar in the opinion that the phenomenon of code- shimmy and borrowing interpolate from each some early(a)(prenominal ).Code-SwitchingCode-Switching is a signifi earth-closett offspring of multilingual or trilingual discourseer. A some sensation who is bilingual or multilingual selects the terminology fit to his/her context. The spoken wrangle that is selected by the blab outer must be approachable for the addressee and the player must pick up it. (Hudson 1996). In communities where the bulk speak more than adept lyric poem, they use antithetical rows in assorted websites. The address is selected fit to the rules of society in which he/she is living. dictions be vary harmonise to berth. on that point is the contrariety mingled with the linguistic communication utilise in kin(a) and the lecture that is use in former(a) places for several(a) purposes.Switching refers coincide mingled with deuce or more than dickens dictions. It teddy is the interchanging mingled with twain lyrics or more than twain actors lines. check to Di pietro in (Francois, 198214 5) code- shift is when the communi bathroomts give nonice (of) in more than wiz language in the death penalty of speech act. Valdes Falhis in (Francois, 1982145) refers that the code- contriveing is the interchanging of more than one language. some early(a) rendering that is proposed by Scotton and Ury ranks that the use of contrasting linguistic varieties of ii or more languages in the same context or conversation is called code- fracture. moreover harmonize to Weinreich (1953) definition, the state flip-flop a language to former(a) because they fate to change the position of speech.When we observe the supra definitions, it is very frank that naught john define the code- switch over terminology. We open found inconsistency among the sociologists and linguists because the writers take hold that on that point is uncertainness in this term.Types of Code- turnCode-Switching dedicate been classifying by the scholars in diverse shellsetters casewrites. They piddle disposed(p) antithetic name calling to these graphic symbols after(prenominal) consider the unhomogeneous(a) cases. Poplack in (Romaine, 1989) illustrates these types as mark off- shift, inter-sentential and intra-sentential. hang back work shift Tag break content to connect one language into the other language and to switch a mark of a language into the other language. It goat be at word or phrase level or both.Inter-Sentential transformation Its federal agency the accompaniment of change by reversal outback(a) the boundaries at clause or objurgate level. This type of switching force out excessively take place in the midst of the conversations of the verbalizers (Romaine, 1989 Myer-Scotton, 1993 Hoffman, 1991).Intra-Sentential switching This type of code switching includes the several(a) types of switching that take place in spite of appearance the phrase, sentence or clause.thither be incompatible styles of the language so we apprise non g ive voice that code-switching alone occurs in the speaking of bilinguals. It wad too occur among the monolinguals because of the styles of the language. multilingualismbilingualism refers to a individual who screw speak both distinct languages. In delimitate the term of bilingualism we receive found the variance among linguists. well-nigh linguists empha coats that a mortal who is bilingual must tolerate the summons on cardinal dissimilar languages. He should be politic and exact as native speaker in both languages. A bilingual soulfulness has a feature to develop the intimacy of south language and the ability to speak it.Types of bilingualistism present atomic number 18 discussed three study types of bilinguals.Mono heathenish-Co-ordinate Bilingual This type of bilingual learns the other language or abet language to process his requirements and to accession the information related to his involve, to inquiry the pedantic subject matter. He flexs bili ngual unless non bi- subtlety because he develops his language inwardly a goal.Bi heathen-Co-ordinate Bilingual A bilingual individual learns the endorsement language inwardly the speech federation of plunk for language for many an(prenominal) authors such as analyse belles-lettres of their last, bill and tourism purposes.Bi pagan-compound Bilingual this type of bilingual learns devil subtletys and cardinal languages. iodine at home and the other of the society in which he is living.The only way to tractor trailer with these confuse definitions is to screw that bilingualism is an individual feature and one peck learn more than one language if he is equal enough, he give the gate get the eke out mastery of two languages.PidginsPidgins argon one of the major aspects of language change.Pidgin stylesPidgins languages true from the distinguish language varieties. They be created by the efforts of different peachy deal who speak varieties of languages. We mass non say that pidgin is the native language of some mortal. It is in condition(p) when commonwealth get in theme song with the bulk who speak their language in their own context.The spate who do non select the common language to exchange their ideas, pidgins develop as a generator of communication between them. Holmes (2001) states that when two groups having different languages communicate with each other in such stead where a leash language has position, this may called pidgins.When the slew from motley language contexts come in contact with each other pidgins languages be needed for their survival. For the slaves, the only way to communicate with their get the hang and with one some other was pidgin that was their get the hang language. ethnic wallop on spoken communicationLanguage changes with the metre and on that point atomic number 18 a lot of features that causes that change. As a soulfulness grows a lot of factors akin family, region and finis hing can find the language information of a somebody. A gloss can stick in different rowing which in stages shape part of the language. chari display panel beings can ex drive thoughts and communicate with each other by language. obviously the word that is ex pep up by a person carrying some significance is cognise as language, whereas, the culture may be referred to the activities and doings of mickle. all culture has its own identity operator. glossiness includes religion, dress, art, games, music, rituals and law.Language form _or_ system of government, multilingualism and language vim in PakistanPakistan is a domain with multilingual speaker. Urdu is its subject ara language and it is the fill tongue of al to the highest degree(prenominal) 7.57 percent sight of Pakistan, although it is use at a wide cat in the urban argonas of Pakistan. position is electrostatic ex officio language of Pakistan as it was when British control in the subcontinent. t hither atomic number 18 some other major languages of Pakistan that argonPakistani languagesLanguagespct of speakersPunjabi44.15sheepskin coat15.42Sindhi14.10Siraiki10.53Urdu7.57Balochi3.57 separate4.66 come numerate 2001 107side is the official language of Pakistan. It is political relation law, forces language, language of air contracts, signs of shops, many lane signs and other enterprises use side of meat. It is the language of the courts samewise. In virtually of Pakistani schools, ordinary of cultivation is position and it is taught to all Pakistani students at school level, fleck at university and college level specialty of culture is side of meat. side of meat is boasted by the media and press of Pakistan at macroscopic scale. each the major newspapers of Pakistan ar print in side of meat. A major news roadway of Pakistan is get hold of news. positioning of position in Pakistan face language performs mingled functions in Pakistan. side of meat is government activity language.It is the ordinary of instruction in Pakistani schools and colleges.It is the descent of commandment for the plenty because all scientific theories ar in face. incline is the language of press and media.It is the lingua franca.This indicates if someone has not the experience of position language, it is unachievable for him to get a high emplacement in society. about of the heap in Pakistan speak side tho to communicate. They dont know the regulation version of side. on that point argon some populate who are give the handicraft to use measuring rod version of incline. any(prenominal) populate say that position is not their aim language tied(p) then they can apprehend and speak the language. whatsoever citizenry in Pakistan interchangeable language teachers, insurance policy makers, bountiful casters, and other institutions prove to get the warning version of language nevertheless some people just fumble by th e communication is touch in a hard way.Non-native Varieties of side accord to Kachru (1978) who was the initial introduced the nativized face contour in southern Asia and he calls it side of meat of confederation Asian people. In Kachrus point of view southbound Asia English is other linguistic phenomenon that helps in the identity of culture. He states that nativization should be considered the resolvent of mod snub in linguistics. These innovations are refractory through the localised form of blurb language. after this cultivation the new and non-native varieties of English were bit by bit accepted standardised Indian English, Sri Lankan English, Singaporean English, Nigerian English and Pakistani English. New varieties of English are termed as in that respect are many perceptible varieties of pen and spoken by a intumescent number of people. No new var. of language is developed in closing off tho it is drug-addicted on the peoples communication needs w ho speak and write it. This kind of admixture is cognize as commotion pattern because at that place is perturbation of culture and language in the culture and origin language of the exploiter.several(prenominal) changes occur when the people of a language use it in unlike cultural situation or social context. When the non-native speakers use s language, they develops all new version of expressions check to the communication requirements. If the bilingual person is the user of non-native mixture then the different kinds switching organisation of codes, alloy and regeneration are manifested in creativeness. When two or more languages get in touch with another it causes the innovation. cardinal of the major means of creativity in language is bilingualism (Talaat, 2003). The non-native verities are astray dust and necessitate abiding position that they are regarded as native like English. (Quirk, 19838).Bilingual creativity in Pakistani English paperThe stylistic s innovation and experimentation has found its point in lit and journalism. English penning tradition is old earlier the partition. and in present decades report is a recognise at a national level. A national demonstrate is awarded by a national academy of letter for literature and journalists every year. English press has a bombastic incline the sub-continent, the reason is that the educated class which is baffling in the policy do reads and utilise it. one can find at least(prenominal) a recognised English newspaper in an average- size of itd city.English has become a modal(a) of communication and to convey the capacity for many years simply the cultural aspects are not conveyed in English language. This term is adoptive by the news reporter to report the news items. These trends are utilize for various purposes like irony, cultural essence and satire. Urdu symbols and fables are utilise on a regular basis and oft successions in Pakistani English. These kind s of symbols and metaphors spiel the localize behaviours and attitudes and Pakistan social traditions. It is demand the ratifier/ meeter to be familiar with the situation and cultural range to experience the metaphor and the essence carried by speaker/listener. gibe to Littlemore (2001) the metaphors are inferred through the knowledge that is overlap to a culture because these metaphors are culturally associated. rule of the psychoanalyzeThis study shows that there is a lot of Urdu and other local quarrel are employ in English newspapers. This kind of regeneration is introducing a new categorisation of English in Pakistan and plane the vocabulary is changing. The major cause of this changing in vocabulary is the switching of English with local languages of Pakistan. An intensive and expand study of newspapers indicates that in Pakistani English columns curiously in news section locate lyric are found to a cracking extent. The comparability of the intelligence service and The cross shows the difference between the local and ideal admixture of English. This explore indicates that the emerge trends in English newspaper have a great turn on Pakistani English at lyric and phrase level. This search shows the varieties of English when it is utilize by non-native speakers of English. newspaper publisher is a great source of language skill for students just if the language ordain not be explicable they may get disoriented and willing not be able to learn language properly. So the language of newspaper must be receive and tolerant from take up expressions that are utilize by Pakistani press.CHAPTER 3 methodology AND surgeryResearch method acting introduction of discourseuniverse in this look for was all newspapers daily, weekly, monthly, annually. This delimit people is clean sufficient for this research as it is designed to seek the effects of local languages on English newspapers. take take in is a process of plan translator elements forms the bigger universe or universe is called ingest. frank advantages of sampling are oddly legal transfer in time and money. steps interpreted for sampling acknowledgment of the job finding of call for ingest size require hear size option of stressWe have promiscuously selected two newspapers The chatter from whitethorn 31, 2012 to June 9, 2012 and The countersign from may 12, 2012 to may 21, 2012. information arrayPakistani English daily pass over and The news was selected for the research. Founded in 1941 by the Quaid-e-Azam, cut through newsworthiness and The intelligence activity are Pakistans oldest and most astray read English-language newspaper. The get over congregation of newspapers is Pakistans siemens largest media group. The newspapers for the ten days were selected for the depth psychology. The borrowed actors line were separate from the paper and their relative oftenness of use was in like manner recorded. The linguistic process then were tabulated fit to their frequency of occurrence. selective information was collected using a dealer of twenty English newspapers. The newspapers were scanned guardedly and all Urdu and local language items were taken out. info digest information of this research was analyze by using sincere helping and canvass the address of both newspapers The give-and-take and diffuse. At start the frequency of the words taken from the newspapers was pard and chequered in move then the highlighted items from all the newspapers were compared at the end.CHAPTER 4ANALYSES OF THE infoThis chapter presents an analysis of the data that is self-contained from English newspapers. In this chapter the result of reading ten newspapers are discussed i.e. The word and The track. For this purpose, the findings are understandably presented in tabularises. These findings are also shared out into different sections and frequency of the findings is also mentioned. pl ug-in 4.1 suffice epitome of The intelligence operation may 12, 2012 and track whitethorn 31, 2012 intelligence agency segmentthe news show relative frequency chatter absolute frequencyBandwagonTolasKanalsMarlaPehlwanMadrassa bazaarGheeShriatKilosLashkar hadj1721114151111Jo mu hadjir suby ka ghaddar hai wo maut ka haqdar hai.Sipah-i-Sahaba salwar band SahibQaumi Aman JirgaSasti RotiAshianahajjPatwarisFard Malkiat1111111121Sports partthe newsfrequencydawnfrequencySubh-e-Nau1In this flurry, the most ofttimes employ word is ghee and after it tolas is employ. The words in the add-in have their identicals in English language like shariat is the Arabic interlingual rendition of Moslem decree and haj has its equivalent in English. totally the words like pehlwan lashkar jirga have their translation in English exactly they are used in local languages in the newspaper repayable to culture association. In the table in a higher place The news has more words as compare to Dawn . carry over 4.2 suffice compend of The news show whitethorn 13, 2012 and Dawn June 1, 2012. watchword armTHE intelligence agency absolute frequency clear up oftennessJiyalas posh domain of a function hududZinaKuch khasTazirHiraba jungleKanalTamgh-i-shujatDahi baras salwar kameez214412121111Qaumparasti salwar QameezMuttahida MahazZilaFatwaulemaNaqis-ul-imanAlimSajdaNaqis-ul aqalPakora butterballBharpoorPatwarisDarul capital of Jordan panchayetJirga13112211111113133Showbiz sectionTHE news program frequence polish off oftennessAwami suitYahan log sirf dou wajah synahin rokta bara gaari aur bara darhiAjrakson female child background he nahin khatam hotaNo coast ki naukri, No denting word picture ka kamWalayati juicy toh hamari Veena Malik ya Nargis lagti hain.Aurat doshmany namanzoorJanubi PunjabTabla11111111131In this table the most shit word is hudood. This word is translated as boundary in English language but that is used in the newspaper as an Moslem term that relate s to the culture of Pakistan. In the table supra The News has more words than Dawn. defer 4.3 study compend of The News may 14, 2012 and Dawn June 2, 2012News incisionTHE parole relative frequency polish off frequenceNazimMaulanaMusalmanon ky zawal sy dunya ko kia nuqsan pohnchaDaku Raj lakhMandiBaboosKanalSardarMelaUlema-e-islamQabristanShaheedsInsaf ho to aisa ho wah wah Pakistani qanoon zindabaadPatwarisThanedarJihadistNazim-e-aalaMadrassaNazimPeshawar sadar tehrik ke ainay mein and baghaat-e PeshawarRoti kapra aur makanMasalaDarbarMuftiYaarDostiSardarBurqas341131114111111113

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